03 October 2009

The songs we end up singing

    As mothering goes, I am not the nurturing type.  I do not talk baby language, or coo, or do anything which resembles those things. It's just not in my DNA.  I am not big into cutesy names, or in going crazy over lacey frilly things.  That includes pillows of Beauty and the Beast.  Tears don't come easily, tho my heart of stone has been tampered with since my mission, and even further with Ashima's arrival.  I still do not melt over Hallmark commercials and my annoyance continues with Demi Moore in "Ghost".  So, it's really an amazing feat that I sing to my little girl.
   I cannot remember how old she was exactly, but it was within the first week when my crooning began.  My voice is not in tune whatsoever, but Ashi doesn't care.  She is my biggest fan.  Primary songs in Spanish are what have dominated my selection, supposing those are innately what I deem to be the most soothing to the soul.  "Mi Padre Celestial Me Ama" (My Heavenly Father Loves Me) is the first one which came out of my mouth, and has set the stage for the others on many nights.  It is a beautiful song celebrating life and how the earth's creations were made by a loving Heavenly Father.  That the child can assert that s/he knows their Father loves them is touching to the point of poignancy.  As adults, this innocence is refreshing to our tired souls and reinforces the faith we once had and so desperately need.  
   Today at General Conference, this song was sung by Mo Tab and tears welled in my eyes as I looked down at my daughter playing without a care in the world.  That she is a divine creation, of that I am sure-as are all children in their parent's eyes.  I am posting the lyrics in Spanish, for it is in that language which I feel the depth of them the most.
   Cuando oigo feliz un ave cantar, o puedo el cielo mirar,
   Cuando siento la lluvia sobre mi faz, o el soplo del viento al pasar,
   Si toco la flores del rosal, o huelo un aleli,
   Que gozo me da en este mundo vivir que mi Padre creo para mi.
   Me ha dado mis ojos para mirar de la mariposa el color.
   Me dio mis oidos para escuchar de su bella creatura rumor.
   La vida me dio, y un corazon, y gracias a El dare por ser una parte de su gran Creacion-
  Si, mi Padre me ama, lo se.


1 comment:

  1. I've always wondered about your heart of stone:)

    Your thoughts in this post are lovely Metzi!
