23 September 2009

How thin is the veil

   Just this past Sunday, I took Ashima to church and something curious occurred.  We were walking along the hall and there was the print  of the Second Coming.  I pointed towards the Savior and said, "Do you know who this is?"  Ashima smiled and started talking to the picture in full conversation.  This happens every time and the same strange sensation courses my body watching my daughter recognize Christ.  How thin is the veil for the innocent?  If someone told this to me about their child, my reaction would be hesitant to believe-until you experience it firsthand, it sounds too fantastical.  But I promise it's true.

1 comment:

  1. I've had similar experiences with my children. They love the portraits of Christ. And you know me, I'm no Saturday's Warrior propaganda girl. But that's the way it is.
