08 September 2009


Today is the start of this online account of our lives as Yabuts. Dennis, Metzi, and Ashima.
I (Metzi) realize the importance for Ashi's sake, as I don't think anyone has kept a record of everything that has happened from the moment she entered all our lives.
In a nutshell, Ashima is the moving force behind many actions in the last year and a half. She came to align our lives in accordance to what had deviated from the path, and for this, we are all grateful. She truly is an angel.

That being said, let's begin!

We are in the middle of getting ready to close on a house in Hewlett. It's a crazy time with much uncertainty b/c neither of us know what to expect. I am nervous, but this is the right decision for us. Returning to the neighborhood I was in for 4 years will be slightly weird, but those were great years. And that is what motivated us to purchase in this neighborhood. School District 14 is what we all aspire to when looking into educating our children.
In between all this, bouts of sadness creep in about leaving Queens. It's been a great 9 years being back in NYC after leaving to Utah (and other places) for so long. No matter what Dennis says, I am a QZ girl at heart, and am proud of it!
Our baby girl has progressed by leaps and bounds. She has a tiny vocabulary, and is learning how to best communicate her needs to us. She is determined to stand on her own, and is headstrong in all she does. We are working on her sleep issues, b/c they are just that: issues.


  1. Yay, now I will actually know what is going on with your life! I am so excited!

  2. gracias por compartir tu blog, tu nena es PRECIOSA, y es cierto, los hijos son el motor de la vida para casi todo! :)
    Cuidate guapa!! me encanta tu blog!

  3. I'm excited to read about your family Metzi!
