09 August 2012

Garden Grower

I'm certainly no green thumb.  My inclination is to kill plants. Somehow, incorporating a storytime to the "Garden Growers" at the library sucked me in.  ACY took to it immediately, anticipating Wednesday morns to check on her plants. So ironic they planted Impatients.  Then sheep ears. Or were they elephant ears? 
The weather hasn't been cooperative for my beach bum this summer. Some days are over the top hot. And getting burnt  wasn't fun for me. Lobster, red bell pepper....the shade of my back. Got a cool tanned "X".  So perhaps the Garden Growers was a blessing in disguise.  
The marigolds look promising. Another mom told me basil works well in crappy soil. That's verbatim. Lol.  Maybe this was more for me? 

Then, of course, we have spent much time at "Safari Park" with EGP, her partner in crime.  Best amenity other than the "safari" is the spray pool.

Summer fun! Simply put, nothing is better than this. To just be a child and live free and carelessly as one. 

07 July 2012

The Big Apple Circus & Beach Return

The charm of the Big Apple Circus is the old skool feel of the tent. All seats are good, and some are better.  Thanks to Pandora's commercial, we jumped on tix.  ACY loved the circus. Not just liked, but loved every act and enthusiastic in every sense. She asks when she can go back.
And so we did go back. Not to the circus, but to Lido! She couldn't contain her joy of becoming a beach bum for the second summer in a row.  Just today, she made a new friend. And watching the kids play at the beach is relaxing for mommy, indeed. Other than the lobster/red bell pepper sunburn shade I've turned from somehow not applying enough sunblock. *ouch*. Lucky munchkin, she inherited her father's genes on that one!

She wanted to volunteer to be part of an act! 

07 June 2012

Wedding and The Bx Zoo

My brother got married. Feels like yesterday I was changing his dirty diapers. Much love and happiness his way!! Surreal how it all goes with life events such as marriages, divorce, and babies.  

Then the return to the Bronx Zoo! ACY loves going so much, I bought a membership and plan on hitting all 5 zoos, plus the Acquarium down at Coney Island. Every child should know what Coney is. There's no doubt the Dora 4D Adventure had a lot to do with the return visit. The animals were very cool, too. ACY insisted on the Mouse House & Reptile House. Ugh....no fear in this girl. 

01 May 2012

Rising of the Phoenix/Easter

There are times when wondering if a new beginning is possible, where you can just close your eyes and be back in Kansas leads me to the beginning of all this. 
The life of your own child. A new fresh start to be who you always wanted to be. And then the mistakes. The impatience. The lack of experience. 
Gratefully, these little people are so forgiving and full of love. They teach us that everyday is a new start by just letting go and moving forward.  There is awe in my soul of her.
Easter. One of my personal holidays. Celebrating the rebirth, the infusion of life eternal. Spending it peacefully, what a treat. 
Dressing up the tomboyish ACY in a frilly dress! Loved it.