27 July 2011

Those terrible twos

Did they ever really hit? Tantrums? Somewhat. More of a temper anger management issue. But underneath an amazingly sweet girl. Emerging from her babyness into her full blown independent toddlerhood. Embracing her newfound skills as though she couldn't wait for her physical to catch up with her mental prowess.
She truly believes she is a female Max from Where The Wild Things Are swinging from limb to limb as I lift her to simulate such action on the monkey bars at the local park.
She's also becoming quite the beach bum. Summer is only so long, so we try hitting the beach once a week with weather permitting. How she loves it! 

03 March 2011

La cantante

There is nothing sweeter than watching a child in their natural state.  She loves singing, dancing, reading. Most toddlers do, I just hope she continues so we can keep watching. :)


18 February 2011

Hearts Everywhere

Valentines Day...oh the fun of finding the perfect outfit for an unknowing 2 year old who has no choice but to wear it.  Got a Tshirt and a dress.  ACY loved the hair tie once I said she would look like mommy. Too funny.  She got lots of goodies from the NJ Yabuts and my mom.  Not that her parents didn't want to give her anything...the jungle gym came in not too long afterwards. No pix yet. Too busy keeping both eyes on her as she rock climbs the side...

08 February 2011

Madonna and Alicia Keys

What is up with ACY putting up the volume on the kitchen radio every time a Madonna or Alicia Keys song comes on? Yesterday was "Vogue".  She danced all around the kitchen.  It's not often the station is changed from classical, so she doesn't hear pop all day. But as soon as "Empire State of Mind" comes on, she is rushing for some volume. 

03 February 2011

Year of the Rabbit

So, it's the year of the Rabbit. Do we follow it down the hole and find the Wonderland? Seems like everything now has a story or some kind of mystical explanation...must be all the Mother Goose and crazy sing a longs. 
Terrible twos...Oh, the rebellion, the desire for independence and freedom.  It really is a vibrant thing, watching the soul of a two year old want it's own agency.  No one teaches this, we come preprogrammed to find our way. I can only pray for the virtue of Patience and her divine intervention, for my parenting skills are not honed.  They are as raw as her newfound favorite word. NO.  And running as fast as those two little legs can take her...