10 November 2010

Approaching the Terrible Twos

So here we are in November with autumn's beautiful leaves...Ashima has done nothing but grow like a weed. SO many fun times with her, she's turning into a fun little toddler.  Headstrong as ever, but sweet as sugar.
Lil' Ms. Barney on Halloween!!  Didn't want to keep the hat part on, but didn't mind sporting the costume. 

24 June 2010

when in doubt, blame Shrek

In learning cause and effect, Ashima throws many things off the changing table: clothes, diapers, anything left in her reach. I ask her, "Who threw these things?" One day, I started giving her an option of blaming Shrek. Now she blatantly blames every nefarious deed on the hideous ogre, waving her finger, saying, "No,no, no" because I chastise Shrek, of course.
She still enjoys singing, dancing, reading, running, and just moving around. Her appetite for learning is insatiable, which I do my best in taking advantage of by constantly making time for learning moments. I really should instill more advanced material and include some religious stuff, what a bad mommy I really am. My mom taught her to pray, not me...I should kick myself in the pants for that one. But in my defense, I did teach her who she's praying to. That's gotta count for something.

13 June 2010

Six months later

Slacker, slacker, slacker me! Just haven't found the time to share all the fun renovation fun we've had. The house has been steadily coming along...Ashima has been growing by leaps and bounds. She gratefully had no problem adjusting to her new home & is taking full advantage of her backyard. Returning to work has proven a challenge for everyone, but somehow all family members have gone above their call of duty in making sure Ashima is well taken care of. Somehow,though, she's turned into mommy's little girl.
Today She was given a shopping cart and had a blast pretending she was shopping! At the grocery store, she constantly helps me pick out items she thinks we need. The other day at Toys R Us, she took a diaper genie refill, put it in the cart without my knowing until checkout. We needed it, what a good helper.